Our factory employes more than 50 people to keep up with our unique product demand.
Every piece made by us is handcrafted in 18K Gold. Our specialty has been fashion and bridal jewelry which has allowed us to be well known in all major trade shows around the world such as Luxury by JCK, JCK Las Vegas, Hong Kong, JA New York, JIS Miami, Centurion Select Group, and others.
Our company strives in keeping long lasting relationships with our clients that go beyond the everyday business aspects.
Our goal is to instill trust and security in our products and customers in order to remain steadfast in guaranteeing all our designs and manufacturing. In doing so, we are one of the very few companies that trademarks every piece and stamps every item with it’s own unique diamond weight.
ADDRESS 98 Cuttermill Rd Ste 410N Great Neck NY 11021-3000 United States [email protected] http://afarinjewelry.com/ Phone: (212) 944-0188 Fax: (212) 944-2774