A Course in Miracles and The Fool's Journey

Fool's Path Lies
The fool is a nondescript young man who wanders among the flowers with his little dog. He holds his head high, breathes in the fragrant air and enjoys the springy grass under his soft shoes.

He looks like he's about to jump off a cliff.


We cannot say if the step is small or if it is on the way to death and oblivion. His life may end before he begins.


Everything I've read about the Fool indicates that he followed a path to enlightenment. As the only unnumbered card, the Fool can move freely through the Major Arcana. He encounters various archetypes and goes through a series of "life lessons" to help him get closer to enlightenment.


But he waits, what if it's the other way around?


The fool is already enlightened. Immaculate, pure in thought, receptive and receptive. He believes that he is safe because there is nothing outside of him that can harm him. We could see it as an extension of the Source. An undescribed book.


As he travels through the Major Arcana, he becomes a more mundane and less pure representation of Source. acim app He learns as he goes and inevitably absorbs the negativity along with a new understanding.


He eventually reaches the last card in the world and is catapulted through the portal. Whether it is going back to the Source or going back to the beginning, we don't know. I don't know where he's going at this point. Let's see how his journey unfolds.


Some texts explain that we are here on Earth because we believe we are from God/Source. This belief that we are separate means "original sin." The Fool is not separate from the Source, but his path gives the illusion that he is.


He inspired me to write this alternative version of The Fool's Way, based on the teachings of 'A Course in Miracles', which I never finished but have returned to over the past two decades.


Systematic destruction of the enlightened fool




The Wizard teaches the first lesson, which drives a wedge between the Fool and his Source. He shows the Fool that he has the power to channel energy, that he has free will to change reality. A wizard is powerless without his own connection to the Source. However, he tells the Fool that individuality is the key to power. The fool listens intently and admits that the magician makes sense.


high priestess ll


He sits guarding the entrance to the 'mysteries'. Only initiates can enter. This means that the High Priestess is the guardian of 'separation'.


He walks through the door and your memory of your connection to Source erodes. Now you need a medium to communicate with your own consciousness. The mystery is the opposite of what we are taught. Everyone has equal access to the Source. No one needs initiation or a third party. But the High Priestess convinces the poor fool that he has been misunderstood.


Empress III


The Empress reinforces the idea of the 'real world'. However, the real world is an illusion that the Fool chooses to experience. She introduces him to the beauty of nature and the reality of procreation. She helps him create a vision of a meaningless world. At best, it's a playground for lost souls who have forgotten their connection. At its worst, it is a place of war, deprivation, and cruelty.


Emperor L.V.


The masculine energy of this card brings the concept of authority. The lie that one person has more status than the other. Authority is assumed by the authoritarian and given freely by those who are afraid to direct their own lives.


The fool discovers that he is just a cog in the wheel and that many good people are above him. He has a place and he has to fill it. This is another difficult step to destroy his faith.

