Himalayan Shilajit Resin

Himalayan Shilajit resin is a sticky, black substance that has been exuded from rocks in mountain ranges around the world. It has been used for ages in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for its potent health benefits. A rich source of iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium, it can boost bone stren


Himalayan Shilajit resin is a sticky, black substance that has been exuded from rocks in mountain ranges around the world. It has been used for ages in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for its potent health benefits. A rich source of iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium, it can boost bone strength and improve muscle function. Its anti-inflammatory properties can alleviate joint pain and ease arthritis symptoms. It also has libido-enhancing and fertility-promoting properties. Shilajit is a strong adaptogen and helps in normalising stress levels and boosting stamina.

One of the most renowned Himalayan shilajit benefits is its ability to enhance energy levels by optimizing mitochondrial function, which increases cellular energy and physical endurance. This is due to its fulvic acid content that also provides antioxidant protection against free radical damage and oxidative stress. This makes it an ideal natural supplement for athletes and people who are physically active.

It can help relieve high altitude headaches by improving oxygen supply to the brain and reducing fluid accumulation in the tissues. Moreover, it can also aid in curing gastrointestinal problems such as gastric ulcers and indigestion. Its diuretic properties can flush excess water and salt from the body, thus preventing dehydration.

The fulvic acid in shilajit has anti-aging effects and can slow down the aging process by balancing hormones, improving skin elasticity and reducing dark spots and wrinkles. It also promotes mental clarity, enhancing focus and memory. It can also treat a variety of mental disorders such as anxiety, depression and schizophrenia by regulating serotonin levels.

Himalayan shilajit contains minerals that are vital for the development of your body and mind. It is a good source of iron, which improves blood circulation and oxygenation, as well as balancing your hormones. It can also strengthen your bones and help you achieve a healthy weight. It can even aid in the treatment of thyroid conditions by reducing inflammation and improving metabolism.

It acts as a powerful aphrodisiac and improves libido in men and women, while addressing various infertility issues. It can also boost immunity, control diabetes, reduce cholesterol levels, regulate blood pressure, and promotes better sleep. A pea-sized amount of Himalayan shilajit taken daily can do wonders for your body.

The Himalayan shilajit supplements at Kapiva contain high concentrations of fulvic acid that promotes your overall health and wellness by increasing the body’s natural energy and strength. It also helps in overcoming fatigue, restoring balance to the body and balancing hormonal levels. Besides, it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing signs of aging, like dark spots, fine lines and wrinkles. It is recommended to add a pea-sized spoon of Himalayan shilajit resin in warm milk or water twice every day. It will not only boost your energy levels, but will also keep you healthy for a long time. Order our Himalayan shilajit online today!
