How to protect the bones of sex dolls

Protecting the bones of sex dolls is essential to ensure their longevity and maintain their structural integrity.


Protecting the bones of sex dolls is essential to ensure their longevity and maintain their structural integrity. While sex dolls do not have actual bones, they are typically constructed with internal metal or plastic skeletons to provide support and flexibility. Proper care and maintenance of these internal structures are crucial for preserving the doll’s shape and functionality. Here are some important tips on how to protect the internal skeletons of sex dolls:

Handle with Care: When moving or positioning the sex adult dolls, it’s important to handle it with care to avoid putting excessive stress on the internal skeleton. Lift and position the doll using proper support and avoid bending or twisting the limbs beyond their intended range of motion.

Avoid Overexertion: While sex dolls are designed to be flexible and poseable, it’s important to avoid forcing the doll into extreme or unnatural positions. Overexerting the joints and limbs can lead to strain or damage to the internal skeleton over time.

Regular Inspection: Periodically inspect the doll’s joints, particularly areas where the skeleton is most vulnerable to wear and tear, such as the shoulders, hips, and knees. Look for any signs of stress, wear, or damage to the internal structure.

Proper Storage: When not in use, store the sex doll in a position that minimizes stress on the internal skeleton. Avoid leaving the doll in positions that place prolonged pressure on specific joints or areas of the skeleton. Using a supportive stand or storage system designed for sex dolls can help maintain the doll’s shape and protect the internal structure.

Temperature and Moisture Control: Extreme temperatures and excessive moisture can potentially damage the internal skeleton of a sex doll. Avoid exposing the doll to extreme heat or cold, and store it in a dry environment to prevent the accumulation of moisture, which can lead to corrosion or deterioration of the internal components.

Maintenance of Joints: Over time, the joints of a sex doll may require maintenance to ensure smooth movement and prevent wear. Applying a small amount of silicone-based lubricant to the joints can help maintain flexibility and reduce friction, prolonging the life of the internal skeleton.

Professional Repairs: In the event of significant damage to the internal skeleton, seek professional repair services from a reputable sex doll manufacturer or repair specialist. Attempting to repair complex internal structures without the necessary expertise can lead to further damage.

Avoid Excessive Weight: While sex dolls are designed to support the weight of the doll itself, it’s important to avoid placing additional heavy objects on the doll or subjecting it to excessive pressure, as this can strain the internal skeleton.

By following these guidelines, sex doll owners can protect the internal skeletons of their dolls, ensuring that they remain structurally sound and functional for an extended period. Proper care and maintenance of the internal structure are essential for preserving the overall quality and performance of the sex doll.


