Dolphin Pool Cleaner Repair - A Must Have for All Pool Owners

Dolphin Pool Cleaner Repair: A Must Have for All Pool Owners
There’s nothing like a relaxing swim on a sunny afternoon, but keeping your pool in top shape requires more than just swimming.


Dolphin Pool Cleaner Repair: A Must Have for All Pool Owners

There’s nothing like a relaxing swim on a sunny afternoon, but keeping your pool in top shape requires more than just swimming. The right equipment can make it easier to maintain your pool and prevent problems such as algae and bacteria. Fortunately, Dolphin pool cleaners offer the power, performance and warranty to help you keep your pool sparklingly clean.

If you’re looking for a Dolphin pool cleaner that can effortlessly scrub every surface of your pool, look no further than the Dolphin Premier. This robotic cleaner uses SmartNav software to calculate the optimal cleaning pattern to ensure that every section of your pool gets thoroughly cleaned. It also knows how to avoid ladders, drains, and other obstacles while still providing the best possible cleaning. It can even tackle tricky underwater steps and reach nooks and crannies that aren’t easy to get to with other robots.

While most Dolphin robots can easily and effectively clean the floor, the walls, and waterline of your pool, higher-end models offer even more advanced features to help you keep your pool in tip-top condition. Choose a model that automatically scrubs your waterline with HyperBrush technology to help reduce the build-up of algae and bacteria. Some models even feature a weekly timer that lets you program your cleaner to start its cycle on any day of the week, eliminating the need for manual effort.

Dolphin pool cleaners are available for all pools, from small above ground pools to large inground and semi-inground pools. In order to find the right model for your pool, consider the size and shape of your pool, how often you’ll use it, and what features are most important to you. You’ll also want to select a model that offers the most efficient cleaning for your budget and your desired level of detail.

Common Problems Solutions

If your Dolphin robotic cleaner isn’t performing as it should, there may be an issue with the cleaner itself or one of its components. Inspect the unit for damage or debris blocking the tracks or brushes, and ensure that the Rapid Drain Flap isn’t stuck or clogged – it creates a seal to allow the Dolphin to climb walls (you can test this by turning the unit upside down). If your Dolphin is having trouble climbing the walls, try allowing the white Climbing Rings to absorb water for 5-10 minutes to allow them to grip the walls better.

If your Dolphin robot isn’t operating properly, there may be a problem with its power supply or the impeller. To check the power supply, remove the blue cable from the connector and plug in another device to see if it turns on. If the power supply is working correctly but your cleaner is still not running, you may need to replace the motor driving unit. To do this, you will need to remove the plastic motor screen (2 screws) and the motor securing screws (4, 2 on each side of the handle - use a screwdriver with a long shaft). If these aren’t replaced correctly, it may result in the motor becoming entangled in the power cord.
