Best Selenium Practises for Successful Test Automation

Here, we will discuss the Best Selenium practices for Successful Test Automation. This blog gives a better understanding of Selenium. To learn more about Selenium, you can join FITA Academy.


Selenium is an open-source platform for web application automation. Apart from that, it may perform administrative responsibilities such as website monitoring.

Selenium automated testing is the most widely used open-source automated testing tool in the technology sector today. Selenium testing provides powerful, browser-based automation for end-to-end testing with numerous advantages. This article will explore the Best Selenium practices for Successful Test Automation. Enrol in FITA Academy for Selenium Training in Coimbatore and get your certification from specialists.

Using the Right Locators

To test the appropriate web elements of a specific application, QAs must be adept at using various locator algorithms. After all, if the test scripts cannot recognise the relevant parts, the tests will fail.

The first step in automating inputs to the Username and Password boxes on a login page is to locate those text fields. The login procedure will fail if the script cannot locate the Username and Password fields.

Refer to this extensive guidepost on Locators in Selenium to learn about the various methods for locating web elements and which locators are best suited for specific situations. 

Implementing Page Object Model

With ever-increasing client demands, a website's user interface (UI) will evolve after regularly incorporating new updates. Locators related to certain UI elements change as well. This means that QAs must develop fresh test cases for the same page, which can be time-consuming. Selenium Training In Madurai will teach you about automation testing strategies in reality. 

This can be addressed using the Page Object Model design pattern to create test scripts. Each web page is considered a class file in this design model, and each class file contains related web elements. This strategy reduces code duplication while also making test maintenance easier. QAs can also reuse existing code with little changes.

Running Selenium Tests on Real Devices

Although many emulators for Selenium testing across platforms are available on the internet, executing tests on real devices makes a significant impact. 

Emulators are just software programmes that simulate the operation of a device. They are more suited for testing code modifications throughout the early stages of development. Furthermore, emulators for each device-OS combination may not be accessible, making it much more difficult for QAs to test on desired combinations. To boost your skills for your future career in Selenium, you should be trained by industry experts through Selenium Training In Hyderabad.

Use the Browser Compatibility Matrix

To begin, narrowing down a list of browsers (and browser versions) and operating systems to conduct automated tests is difficult. It would help to use a browser compatibility matrix to manage this operation.

A browser compatibility matrix collects crucial data from various metrics, including browser, device, and OS usage statistics, product analyses, target audience preferences, and more. The test coverage is then reduced to a specific set of browsers and devices. It limits the scope to the most relevant browser-OS combinations, making the procedure more manageable.

Incorporating Wait Commands

Individual websites take some time to load in web browsers. Network situations, server challenges, and system configurations affect the page load speed. To address this, QAs frequently employ the Thread.sleep() method, which pauses the automation script for a specific time. Students and professionals wanting to become Selenium Testers join Selenium Course In Kochi, where industry experts will provide the best training.

There are more efficient ways than this. Sometimes, a website may take longer than the specified time to load. Conversely, a website may load faster than the given time, resulting in slower test execution. In Selenium, using Implicit or Explicit Wait Commands is a better and more efficient approach.

Planning and Designing Test Cases beforehand

Before beginning with automation, QA teams must have a solid test plan. QA engineers must consider all logical scenarios and write detailed test cases from the point of view of end users. Diving straight into automation without a plan frequently results in bottlenecks in the latter stages.

QAs frequently focus on ensuring that scripts execute successfully rather than planning to explain test scenarios. This method is ineffective in ensuring full-proof testing of web applications. Selenium Training In Pondicherry provides real-time trainers, placement, and project assistance.
